Epic Games has released impressive numbers about its online store, the Epic Games Store, reporting that it has released 749 million copies of free games on the PC over the past few months. The producer confirmed that it plans to continue giving games to its users throughout 2021, to continue the success.

Free games from the Epic Games Store take place weekly, but one of the most memorable moments was when the company gave one of the best selling games in the world Grand Theft Auto 5 by Rockstar Games for free on May 2020, which overloaded its servers for quite some time.
Other iconic games, such as EA’s Star Wars Battlefront 2, were also released there. At the moment, the Brazilian title Dandara is available.
In total, 103 free games were released last year, including special end-of-year schedules. The combined price of the offers, if they were purchased instead, would be US $ 2,400.
Other numbers
Epic Games revealed more numbers about the platform, also informing that EGS has 160 million users, up from 108 million added in 2019 and monthly active users have practically doubled from 32 to 56 million.
And it’s not just free games, store users spent more than $ 700 million on games over the course of 2020, with $ 256 million spent on non-Epic games.
Finally, there are other numbers, such as 235 countries represented by creators, and some of the most popular titles, such as Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Fortnite, Godfall, Borderlands 3 and Rocket League.